Some awesome news arrived at Framework Consulting – the home of 2Time Labs.
My proposal to present a speech at the American Society of Training and Development’s 2013 Annual Conference and Exposition was accepted! Am headed to Dallas in May to make a one hour presentation to the world’s largest training and development conference.
The topic will be How to Stop Failing At Behavior Change Training: The Case of Time Management. Click on this link to be taken to a description of the one hour session.
It hasn’t been a short journey to this point.
For the last six years, I have turned a longtime passion for this subject into a full-blown area of expertise after being disappointed at the lack of options that people like me had when we underwent major life changes. In my case, it was a move to Jamaica from Florida that threw me back to levels of un-productivity that I thought I had long left behind.
I helped myself, and now I’m helping others answer some of the same question I had by focusing on the following topics:
- Helping to give time management coaches more than tips, tricks and shortcuts.
- Providing a way for time management trainers to find fresh, new materials that they can use without fear of legal repercussions.
- Describing why a time management consultant can’t set as a goal that everyone will end up doing things exactly the same way.
- Showing ways for all the above, plus professional organizers, can earn more revenue as expert time advisers.