FirstCuts 34: Smartphone-Era Productivity

In this new issue of FirstCuts I tackle a problem that you have probably seen — professionals using smartphones that are ridiculously unproductive.

While it’s not a Caribbean problem only, our high penetration rates for cell-phone technology means that we are among the first to experience the effects of the bad habits that are being adopted by smartphone users.

You can access the article by clicking on the graphic below, where it can be downloaded or read on the screen.

I’d love to get your comments to the article  by visiting the 2Time blog at , and also any questions you might have.

Jamaican Businesses and Trinidadian Elections

I wrote a couple of articles explaining why Jamaican business-people, and indeed the public at large, needs to pay close attention to what happens in Trinidadian politics.

One article was chosen as the letter of the day in the Jamaican Daily Gleaner and can be found by clicking here:

The other was published in YourMoneyeZine and can be read by clicking at any point below:

Tackling Time Management Subjects with Videos

Over at my time management blog I have been tacking some substantial topics, and producing videos as a way to get some tricky ideas across.

Here is a pretty long sample of what I have been doing, in the form of a video that tackles the problem of The Weekly Review, which is an issue that many have with their time management systems.

After you have watched the video, you can check out 20 videos that I made at the following link on the 2time website: 20 Frequently Asked Questions About Time Management.

Co-Hosting on BusinessuiteToday

bess fmThe last month has been a hectic one, and I have some good news to report.   I now have the pleasure of co-hosting a fairly new radio program here in Jamaica, on BESS FM – 100.1.

It’s a business program, and I got off the mark on February 1st with a focus on the topic of the acquisition of Air Jamaica by Caribbean Airlines.

I’ll be working for a while with Aldo Owen, who is working alongside me while I develop some of the skills needed to be a good radio host.

Before I came on the station, I did do a few guest appearances.

Here is an 11 minute recording of a radio interview I did in late 2009 on the topic of corporate culture.

Closing Out “The New Networking”

new-networking-cover-2I recently decided to close out my ebook “The New Networking: Caribbean 2008” at the end of the year, in order to make way for some new ideas and a new e-book at some point.

While I don’t plan to write its successor anytime soon, I recall discovering Facebook just as the ebook was about to be released, and having to “wheel and come again” with a section devoted to that social networking tool. Of course, today Facebook has been supplemented with Twitter… how things change!

Here is the link to the ebook if you don’t have it.  Please pass this information on to your friends also — this will be their last chance to receive the ebook from me: The New Networking: Caribbean 2008

Recent Article in the Observer

A recent column by Jean Lowrie-Chin in the Jamaica Observer described some of the work we are doing to help Caribbean companies work better across cultural boundaries.

Jamaicans Rebel and Trinis Crack Jokes –

(I’m not sure what happened to the link at the Observer, but the article appears to have disappeared.  I have placed it here.)
