The low-pay productivity trap

Is Your Company Made Up of Thirds and Fourths?

Some Jamaican executives are caught in an unproductive trap of their own making. By investing as little as possible in their people’s development, they have produced cultures of low productivity. How long does it take for such a policy to bear bitter fruit and how can it be reversed?

Most of us are shocked to hear of a seemingly mediocre acquaintance or colleague who migrates, then accomplishes something miraculous. It’s hard to pinpoint why in every case, but one answer may be that many local companies stifle their staff’s development. By systematically failing to invest in their growth, they reinforce low standards.

In some organizations, the problem starts even earlier. As a former client’s executive team complained: “Our company is filled with under-performers – we only hire thirds and fourths.” That is, whenever they bring people in for interviews to fill a position, they invariably end up hiring the third or fourth choice; never the first or second. The reason? They simply aren’t paying enough.

When asked why they don’t trust their own process, thereby hiring better people then helping them to perform, they further complained. “If our people were to find out how much that new person was being paid, there would be a riot!” With that retort, by the end of the meeting it was clear that the current staff complement would be unable to implement the breakthrough strategy the company needed to ensure its existence. The unplanned choices they had made to hire “thirds and fourths” had become a huge problem that could not be easily fixed.

Like many other companies, they were stuck in a trap
of their own thinking, committing their company to low standards that were now inescapable. What can the average company do to prevent this from happening?

1. Seek out Global Best-in-Class Behaviours
Somewhere in the world, there is a company that’s doing the same work, using less people at a lower cost. In some industries, like insurance, benchmarking resources like are easy to find and can be used as a ready comparison. Whatever your industry, you need to discover what the best in the world are doing, and use them as a standard. If you find a large gap, you should be alarmed as your industry may be ripe for disruption.

Before a tragedy takes place, use the information to set new goals for your company. Even if you cannot find a direct comparison, understand that a viable business must conduct a relentless search for ways to reduce costs and create value for customers. To fail to do so is to invite disaster.

2. Reengineer Core Processes
One of the easiest ways to reduce costs and create value is to identify and reengineer the company’s core processes. The effect of mediocre staff is only amplified when they are stuck doing things they shouldn’t, in processes that are outdated. It’s tempting to bring in new technology but it’s a mistake to rush into an automation project when the underlying ways of doing work are not well understood. Even the best employees in the world can only do so much when they are limited by poor workflows.

The steps involved in process reengineering are easy to find but most companies can’t summon the will. They fail to see that by not improving their processes, they hasten their own demise as technology changes accelerate.

3. Give up ego
Even companies that see the need to make process changes don’t have the courage to bring in the right staff to lead such efforts. Too many Jamaican executives use all sorts of tricks to make sure they are the smartest people in the room at all times. They shy away from hiring staff who appear to be brighter, or more intelligent. This sometimes unconscious behaviour is in stark contrast to that of the best managers. By contrast, they encourage younger staff to continuously step up to duties requiring greater responsibility and skill. This requires an investment in training but it also represents a willingness to place the company’s welfare over your own personal interests.

4. Develop staff aggressively, for free
As I have mentioned before in this column, too many managers give up on developing their staff because they lack a “proper” budget. The fact is, the on-line world now provides a number of free learning opportunities that can be used in creative ways. Human Resource professionals must sometimes be pushed by executives to find these alternatives, rather than waiting for the funds for classroom training to be made available.

A handful of well-trained, hyper-productive employees can outperform an organization overstuffed with “thirds and fourths.” But the place to start for some companies is by looking and making room for the best. They will never, ever be the least expensive but they may be the ones who more than make up for the extra pay required to bring them in and keep them around.

Francis Wade is the author of Perfect Time-Based Productivity and a management consultant. To receive a free Summary of each of his past articles, send email to

The Right Way to Manage Different Work-Styles

If you have ready my latest book, you may have noticed the central role that Dr. Brigitte Claessens plays in the re-definition of time-based productivity.

Her work is breathtaking in its impact and I consider her an unsung heroine of the new time management, highlighted by her statement that “time cannot be managed in any sense.” It’s a statement that sits at the heart of our work here at 2Time Labs as she’s the first academic to make that claim in a published, peer-reviewed research paper.

This week’s article is based on another claim of hers that’s garnered from empirical research into different styles of time allocation. She discovered that people allocate time in major tasks in five ways, with some surprising conclusions. Unfortunately, my article only has the space to mention two of them briefly given its limitation of 800 words.

There are other resources available, however. I recommend a paper I presented to the Project Management Institute of Southern Caribbean Chapter 2013 conference entitled “Reducing the Risk of Un-Productive Team Members.”

It’s available as a free download. Within it, you can find a link to Claessens’ original article.

While I don’t dwell on these findings in my books they are a great example of how original research can make a big difference in our understanding of the reality found within companies and the individuals who work within them. I don’t think I’m alone in complaining about the popular anecdotes, tips and tricks that get passed around freely, but are no substitutes for data-driven wisdom.


As business professionals, we often fall into the trap of treating our colleagues as if they manage their time in the same way. Recent research by Dr. Brigitte Claessens from the Netherlands reveals the truth: professionals differ in the way they approach mid and long-term tasks.

Let’s say that you are a manager who has recently accepted a leadership role. Your new team’s capabilities would be unknown, making you wonder how they will perform. Claessen’s research offers important clues, revealing five work styles (A-E) that professionals use to complete tasks.

A. The Early Action Worker
This person starts the job with a full-on attack, getting as much done as early as possible, leaving precious little to do at the end.

B. The Early and End-Term Worker
Starting with a bang, this personality begins working immediately but loses momentum quickly. As a result, they are forced to put in a supreme effort to meet the deadline at the last moment.

C. The Constant Action Worker
This person acts in a steady manner during from the beginning to the end. Their consistent effort makes them equally productive from start to finish.

D. The Mid-Term Action Worker
Someone with this style starts slowly and increases their effort so that it peaks at the middle of the project. Between the middle and end, their effort falls off as their workload decreases.

E. The Deadline Action Worker
This individual also starts slowly but increases their effort so that by the end of the task they are running at full throttle.

In recent speeches, I have explained these five styles, asking audiences to rank order them with regards to the general population. I have used two questions: “Which styles are more productive than the others?” and “Which styles can be found more frequently than others?”

From the answers I have received, I have learned that we don’t possess an intuitive grasp of Claessen’s findings. Here they are in a nutshell.

Finding 1: The least productive is Style B. The full rank order from low to high is B < E < D < A < C

Finding 2: The least frequent of these styles is D. The rank order is from D(13%) < E(17%) < A(17%) < C(23%) < B(31%)

If you spend a moment studying these results you may find a few surprises. Based on these findings, there are a few things supervisors and project managers should do to prepare themselves for a reality they may not be currently managing.

Reality #1 – there’s some bad news… the least productive style (B) happens to be the most frequent. This may explain why the “planning fallacy” (where we routinely underestimate how long tasks take) is so common. As a manager of other people this may come as a shock. Most of your people (almost a third) are likely to get you into big trouble if left to their own devices. Perhaps, like most professionals, you have a tendency to relax in the middle of a project, believing that the early indications of effort are reliable. This is a huge mistake, as the results indicate that you should be planning to launch a major engagement effort in the middle of the project to prevent later disaster.

Reality #2 – how people end, not start their tasks, is more important. The second finding shows that the least productive are those who wait for a looming deadline to put in their hardest effort. As their manager, you probably know that they cause you the most anxiety. Both of the least productive performers (B and C) show this tendency.

A recent study conducted at Warwick Business School backs up this finding. Drs. Arnott and Dacko discovered that students who submitted their essays at the last minute receive, on average, lower grades.

Some may say that you are being pessimistic if you expect low performance before even meeting your team for the first time. However, the science is clear, pointing to an unproductive reality that must be confronted.

The savvy manager can use anecdotal evidence to determine who appears to use a particular style. Yet, there are more rigorous methods. The 11 forms provided in my book are examples of the kind of assessments anyone can use to gain deeper insight into their skills in this area. If you can enrol your employees in completing them, you’ll both know where an employee’s strengths and weaknesses lie and what to do about them.

So far, no-one has come up with a similar assessment tool for Claessens’ 5 styles but her study provides important, early insights that can’t be ignored. These clues can make the difference between your success or failure, which is built on the habits your team members use every day. You need not be caught unawares: instead, bring an informed, nuanced approach to managing their time-based performance.

Francis Wade is the author of Perfect Time-Based Productivity and a management consultant. To receive a free Summary of each of his past articles, send email to


Click here to be taken to the article on the Gleaner’s website.

How to manage employees with different styles

If you have ready my latest book, you may have noticed the central role that Dr. Brigitte Claessens plays in the re-definition of time-based productivity.

Her work is breathtaking in its impact and I consider her an unsung heroine of the new time management, highlighted by her statement that “time cannot be managed in any sense.” It’s a statement that sits at the heart of our work here at 2Time Labs as she’s the first academic to make that claim in a published, peer-reviewed research paper.

This week’s article is based on another claim of hers that’s garnered from empirical research into different styles of time allocation. She discovered that people allocate time in major tasks in five ways, with some surprising conclusions. Unfortunately, my article only has the space to mention two of them briefly given its limitation of 800 words.

There are other resources availale, however. I recommend a paper I presented to the Project Management Institute of Southern Caribbean Chapter 2013 conference entitled “Reducing the Risk of Un-Productive Team Members.”

It’s available as a free download. Within it, you can find a link to Claessens’ original article.

While I don’t dwell on these findings in my books they are a great example of how original research can make a big difference in our understanding of the reality found within companies and the individuals who work within them. I don’t think I’m alone in complaining about the popular anecdotes, tips and tricks that get passed around freely, but are no substitutes for data-driven wisdom.

Here’s the link to the article in the Gleaner. And here is the article in full.

The Right Way to Manage Work Styles

As business professionals, we often fall into the trap of treating our colleagues as if they manage their time in the same way. Recent research by Dr. Brigitte Claessens from the Netherlands reveals the truth: professionals differ in the way they approach mid and long-term tasks.

Let’s say that you are a manager who has recently accepted a leadership role. Your new team’s capabilities would be unknown, making you wonder how they will perform. Claessen’s research offers important clues, revealing five work styles (A-E) that professionals use to complete tasks.

5 Styles Claessens for gleanerA. The Early Action Worker
This person starts the job with a full-on attack, getting as much done as early as possible, leaving precious little to do at the end.

B. The Early and End-Term Worker
Starting with a bang, this personality begins working immediately but loses momentum quickly. As a result, they are forced to put in a supreme effort to meet the deadline at the last moment.

C. The Constant Action Worker
This person acts in a steady manner during from the beginning to the end. Their consistent effort makes them equally productive from start to finish.

D. The Mid-Term Action Worker
Someone with this style starts slowly and increases their effort so that it peaks at the middle of the project. Between the middle and end, their effort falls off as their workload decreases.

E. The Deadline Action Worker
This individual also starts slowly but increases their effort so that by the end of the task they are running at full throttle.

In recent speeches, I have explained these five styles, asking audiences to rank order them with regards to the general population. I have used two questions: “Which styles are more productive than the others?” and “Which styles can be found more frequently than others?”

From the answers I have received, I have learned that we don’t possess an intuitive grasp of Claessen’s findings. Here they are in a nutshell.

Finding 1: The least productive is Style B. The full rank order from low to high is B < E < D < A < C

Finding 2: The least frequent of these styles is D. The rank order is from D(13%) < E(17%) < A(17%) < C(23%) < B(31%)

If you spend a moment studying these results you may find a few surprises. Based on these findings, there are a few things supervisors and project managers should do to prepare themselves for a reality they may not be currently managing.

Reality #1 – there’s some bad news… the least productive style (B) happens to be the most frequent. This may explain why the “planning fallacy” (where we routinely underestimate how long tasks take) is so common. As a manager of other people this may come as a shock. Most of your people (almost a third) are likely to get you into big trouble if left to their own devices. Perhaps, like most professionals, you have a tendency to relax in the middle of a project, believing that the early indications of effort are reliable. This is a huge mistake, as the results indicate that you should be planning to launch a major engagement effort in the middle of the project to prevent later disaster.

Reality #2 – how people end, not start their tasks, is more important. The second finding shows that the least productive are those who wait for a looming deadline to put in their hardest effort. As their manager, you probably know that they cause you the most anxiety. Both of the least productive performers (B and C) show this tendency.

A recent study conducted at Warwick Business School backs up this finding. Drs. Arnott and Dacko discovered that students who submitted their essays at the last minute receive, on average, lower grades.

Some may say that you are being pessimistic if you expect low performance before even meeting your team for the first time. However, the science is clear, pointing to an unproductive reality that must be confronted.

The savvy manager can use anecdotal evidence to determine who appears to use a particular style. Yet, there are more rigorous methods. The 11 forms provided in my book are examples of the kind of assessments anyone can use to gain deeper insight into their skills in this area. If you can enrol your employees in completing them, you’ll both know where an employee’s strengths and weaknesses lie and what to do about them.

So far, no-one has come up with a similar assessment tool for Claessens’ 5 styles’ but her study provides important, early insights that can’t be ignored. These clues can make the difference between your success or failure, which is built on the habits your team members use every day. You need not be caught unawares: instead, bring an informed, nuanced approach to managing their time-based performance.

Francis Wade is the author of Perfect Time-Based Productivity and a management consultant. To receive a free Summary of each of his past articles, send email to

Ensuring Corporate Happiness

How managers can make employees happyIn today’s Sunday Gleaner column, you may recognize a familiar theme if you are a regular reader – that it doesn’t make sense to expect a behaviour change without detailing the new steps required. The only difference is that this time around we’re looking at a different kind of end-result… an emotional state.

In the article I share a simple practice I have used for over a decade. As time has progressed, the effects have accumulated – a fact I didn’t mention in the article. But I think it makes sense that if you pick a single useful habit and repeat it often enough with an intention to make improvements, the benefits will increase over time.

This is exactly what’s happened in my case which is why the research I quote caught my attention… what if a simple emotion we all want, like happiness, was available to us in greater, steadier quanta? What if we could develop the discipline to be more happy? For example, meditation has been shown by researchers to produce repeatable benefits, yet the number of who have actually tried it in the Caribbean remains small.

Would corporations, or more specifically, your boss, be interested in learning how to teach the practices required to produce happiness? I suppose the answer varies from one organization to any other, but we do share a common humanity in which we desire many of the same things.

I’d love to hear what you think of the article either on my Facebook page or on Twitter (@fwconsulting99) or even my email – Here it is below in full, or on the Gleaner website.

How Managers Can Make Employees Happy

It’s easy in these times of economic difficulty to focus on the bad news. The fact is, just the exercise of watching prices rise and exchange rates falter gives each of us evidence that being unhappy is no longer a choice, but a consequence.

In corporate Jamaica, executives who trust in the link between employee productivity and happiness scratch their heads wondering what to do. They conclude that employees who can influence their state of mind can also be more productive. They know that giving away more money doesn’t work for more than a short time, that engagement is not something that can be bought or sold at a price. It must come from inside.

However, they typically have a difficult time translating this knowledge into concrete action. For example, employee appraisals often devolve into little more than cliches. This confuses the recipient, who based on the feedback, has no idea what to do differently.

An example borrowed from a recent study highlights the need for managers to do their own research. Happiness, it appears, is not a random mood that descends out of nowhere. Instead, it’s strongly correlated to particular habits.

First, let’s consider the opposite. I have a friend who has a habit of recreating past disappointments with remarkable ease. She not only remembers the details, but evokes all the emotions that were present in that moment, no matter how long ago. She is well-practiced.

Contrast her routine with one described by University of Pennsylvania professor Martin Seligman. “Every night for the next week, set aside ten minutes before you go to sleep. Write down three things that went well today and why they went well. Next to each positive event, answer the question ‘Why did this happen?'”

I can speak to the power of such a practice. For the past 13 years or so, I have recorded a list of things I am grateful for, before sending it via email to another person. Today, it’s an activity scheduled in my calendar each week that I hope to become as routine as brushing my teeth.

The effect, which Seligman details, is remarkable. After I hit “Send” I feel immediately different. The fact that someone close to me is reading the list makes a big difference because it’s a peek into some of my innermost thoughts. It acts as a powerful reminder of what’s important.

As you may imagine, these two contrasting sets of habits produce opposite results. Is it conceivable that this simple technique could be taught in corporations? In the right context, “Yes.” Employee resilience is an attribute companies say they care about a great deal, but do little to help employees develop. The few who attempt to hire “Rah-Rah” motivational speakers discover that this effect doesn’t last long. What endures for much longer are new repetitive behaviours like the ones Seligman uncovered.

The best news of all is that the technique of translating an emotional state into practical, teachable behaviour changes is one that anyone can learn. In fact, it’s a must if you, as a manager, hope to create new productive habits among your employees. Here are some guidelines.

1. Translate Emotions into Behaviours
Take a long, hard look at the end-result: an emotion, feeling or attitude you want. (It may be quite vague at first.) Then, decide which observable behaviours can be used as a proxy. In other words, ask yourself: If someone were to implement the chosen behaviours, would it be reasonable to assume that the end-result has been achieved? For example, if someone consistently makes a Seligman-style bedtime list, is it reasonable to conclude they will become more happy?

2. Do Research
Much of our conventional wisdom around creating emotional results is just plain wrong, and our intuition is sometimes misleading. For example, many executives are motivated by corporate profits. They are baffled as to the reason why employees don’t share this ambition. To get past these biases, use studies in psychology and management to separate fact from fiction. Then, convert research results (which usually come from outside the Caribbean) into local language and practice.

3. Coach
The average employee isn’t born with enlightened habits of mind and must be taught. The best method is usually some kind of coaching that involves their immediate supervisor. However, managers often don’t attempt to model the desired behaviour and are reluctant to share their personal struggles. If you find yourself disconnected from your employees, this may be part of the problem.

Ultimately, the best way to start (as a manager) is by helping yourself, even if the pain isn’t acute. Your direct experience is an invaluable asset if, like author Tim Ferris, you try your recommendations on yourself first. This is one powerful way to give yourself choice over what you feel, which is exactly what your employees want also.

Francis Wade is the author of Perfect Time-Based Productivity and a management consultant. To receive a free Summary of each of his past articles, send email to

How to Make Civil Servants Attractive to the Public Sector

How to make civil servants attractive - gleanerMy Sunday column  today describes a problem that both Trinidad and Jamaica are facing. How do they make civil servants more attractive to the private sector?

The inspiration came from the following billboards I could not help but notice in Trinidad – click here to see.
Both countries need to move public sector workers into the private sector, albeit for very different reasons I describe in the column. While the need is great, however, the change management execution is weak.
It’s one thing to set policy, but when lots of human being are involved, there are specific best practices that must be followed.
Witness the chaos at the passport office in Jamaica this week. Someone at PICA underestimated the demand that would be generated by the announcement that an almost 50% price increase would be put into effect in a few days. The result? A stampede in which two children were almost trampled and nine were taken to hospital with injuries.
Change management is hard and it’s easy to confuse it with politicking, which it isn’t. Novices at the highest levels of organizations mistakenly believe that “it can’t be that hard,” only to be surprised at the results they fail to accomplish.
In my article, I jump over many of the tricky steps and suggest some themes to keep in mind, but I don’t mean to downplay them. In a single column, I focus on one angle at a time.
Here is the article in full.

How to Make Civil Servants Attractive to the Private Sector

Can workers who have become accustomed to low standards be trained to achieve otherwise? The debate is currently raging in Trinidad and probably will arrive before long in Jamaica.

One of my first summer jobs involved working on a project in a government department. As outsiders to the organization, our team had a specific, tedious task that afforded us the opportunity to observe the employees in the organization.

They worked in two modes. When the “boss-lady” was around, they worked normally and the office bustled with activity. However, when she was away, things changed. Out came cards, dominoes and radios as work was set aside for leisurely pursuits. To prevent surprises, someone was always posted at the window to act as surveillance, studying her parking space two floors below for her impending arrival. Now and then, according to one lookout, she tried to “trick them” by parking elsewhere, so they had to be “very careful.”

Fast-forward to a raging debate underway in Trinidad and Tobago concerning their well-known CEPEP programme. It’s an acronym given to the country’s job programme for low-skilled workers – a version of what we Jamaicans used to call a Crash Programme. To many citizens in the middle class, it’s nothing more than an opportunity for the twin-island’s least advantaged to draw a full paycheck for half a day’s work. Whether or not it’s a worthy programme or not is debatable, but there is widespread agreement that it has contributed to the official unemployment rate of only 3.1%.

Trinidad is also a country where Help Wanted signs hanging outside stores are a regular sight. You can also find permanent billboards advertising employment opportunities. Many CEO’s I have spoken with argue that they cannot find enough people to employ, blaming CEPEP as a contributor to the problem.

Recently, a proposal was put forward asking the obvious: “Why doesn’t the government take underemployed CEPEP workers and train them for jobs that the private sector cannot fill?” Obvious, but not easy to answer. Leading executives quickly came out to announce that the work ethic of the average CEPEP worker was too low to be considered for the real jobs they needed to fill. According to a business owner I spoke with, she may interview but never hire an ex-civil servant. In other words, someone accustomed to being overpaid to play games could not be reformed.

Here in Jamaica, the IMF has placed a requirement on the government to reduce its wage bill, presumably by laying off civil servants in droves. After all, in 2014 Barbados laid off 18% of its civil service while Greece announced layoffs of 180,000.

It’s safe to say that the reluctance to hire a civil servant is real. What should an individual training programme, such as the six week intervention suggested in Trinidad, attempt to change? The answer may lie in three attributes distinguished by author Daniel Pink shared in my column from September 23rd, 2012 – Autonomy, Purpose and Mastery.

1. Experience
Most employees who lack these three attributes are likely to have them in other parts of their lives. They can be taught to transfer the leadership roles they play at home, in the church and in their community to the workplace. It’s one way to affirm these skills, while empowering a worker to recognize that, often, they do have what it takes.

2. Knowledge
Most have never been formally taught to recognize these attributes in day-to-day work. Once they are shown how to identify them it becomes easier to see where they are missing. That allows them to act differently of their own volition.

3. Practice
Any intervention would have to be down to earth, and not just bunch of theory. It must show an employee how to translate abstract principles into daily activities that help take them one step at a time toward further autonomy, purpose and mastery. This is critical as there are no one-size-fits-all behaviours that suit everyone. They need to be crafted to fit the circumstances by an employee who has the right training.

Is a 6 week stint in the classroom enough to make a difference? All the research from behaviour training points to the fact that what happens after training is over makes all the difference. Studies have shown only 60% of the end-result is due to the class itself. If post-training support is provided, maybe it might work, but it’s important to know that there are no shortcuts.

Experience tells me that when behaviour changes are described in vague platitudes, nothing changes. This would be damaging to both the Jamaican economy and the ex-civil servant, who would be unable to make the transition to more demanding employment. Picture our government asking the IMF for one waiver after another, unable to ever reduce its wage bill. Under this scenario, we’d all suffer.

Francis Wade is a management consultant and author of Perfect Time-Based Productivity. To receive a Summary of Links to past columns, or give feedback, email:


Are You a Type A Personality?

thrive as a typee a personalityA startlingly high number of executives in Jamaica show Type A traits, according to my informal observations. This parallels the findings of research in a number of cultures.

Their extremely high concern for time-based results is no accident – it’s a strength that propels them to the highest levels. However, they also have an interest in peace of mind and that can only be preserved if they pay close attention to their time-based productivity skills.

Here’s my latest article from the Jamaica Gleaner.

How to Thrive as a Type A Personality

Most leaders of Jamaica’s companies share a single trait – the Type A personality. It means they face some unique and growing challenges to the realization of their goals.

A Google search offers up many definitions of this trait, some of which are quite extreme. Most leaders, however, aren’t the hypertensive, unfeeling, Machiavellian types who are often used to dramatize the

definition. Instead, they have deep, passionate commitments and love to solve real problems, the bigger the better.

Using time effectively is an imperative: they are often impatient, hard workers who don’t know what it’s like to leave work at 4:30 PM… unless it’s to arrive on time for another obligation. They are a distinct group, but just being a Type A doesn’t mean that you have a free ticket to the executive suite. However, according to research by Dr. Meyer Friedman, a disproportionately high number of executives (75%) are Type A’s. That’s twice as high as the general population.

Their proactive nature means that they often show up in my local productivity training programs with sturdy habits already in place, but with no way to get better. Based on empirical data collected from over 150 participants, here are three facts you may need if are a Type A looking to improve.

Finding #1 – Your skills must evolve in order to reach new goals
Type A’s are perhaps the most ambitious employees. They are always on the hunt for better results, which means they are eager to process more time demands with greater speed. Unfortunately, if you belong to this group, you may be making a common mistake.

These high performers have learned that being more forceful gets them closer to what they want, especially when success relies on driving themselves to higher performance. In other words, they have found that “working harder” works.

In my training, it comes as a surprise to many Type A’s that their daily practices are quite common. Furthermore, the data shows that what has worked for them in the past will no longer work in the future. This is easy to see once they confront the modern fact of information overload caused by a combination of mobility and internet availability. They must find new ways to operate if they hope to cope.

While this might be obvious to others, Type A’s are often too busy to step back and notice when they need to evolve and develop new skills.

Finding #2 – Your evolution requires that you use less memory
As a Type A, you probably have a quick mind which retains lots of facts, developed through years of memory-based schooling. You are quite good at recalling time demands – maybe better than anyone you know.

If you were to retain very few commitments in life, this approach would work just fine. However, Type A’s have a propensity to take on greater responsibilities at home, work, community and in their personal lives. When combined with the challenge of information overload, they constantly feel time-starved.

As a result, they can’t survive in the future by using memory and must transition to the use of paper, digital devices or an administrative assistant.

Those who insist on using memory for this purpose may function for a while and even use their quick thinking to stay out of trouble. But at some point their advancing age betrays them. Some try in vain to improve their memory, but the research is clear: they will one day fail.

Finding #3 – Replacing memory with a list, and ultimately with a schedule
If you commit to replacing your memory with other means of storage, that’s just the beginning. Due to the constraints of the human mind, research shows that there is a progression of skills you must follow if you hope to manage an increase in time demands.

Most people start by trading the use of their memory for a ToDo list. This helps in the beginning unless there is a further increase that causes this technique to falter. Then, you must switch over to using multiple lists, sorted by a set of custom categories.

Ultimately, if the number increases even further even this approach fails. The final transition to make is to the use of a schedule or calendar. While most people only use a calendar to record appointments with other people, competent Type A’s are more likely to use their calendar to manage all their time demands. They focus on scheduling those tasks which are non-habitual and require conscious attention to prevent them from disappearing.

As you may imagine, after you decide to make these transitions, they don’t happen overnight. There are a number of intricate habits, practices and rituals for you to master – unlike the habit of “working harder” they don’t come easily. Thriving as a Type A means continuously teaching yourself new skills with respect to your time demands – a new requirement if you hope to realize your goals in today’s world.

Francis Wade is a management consultant and author of Perfect Time-Based Productivity. To receive a Summary of Links to past columns, or give feedback, email:


Does our own time window make us less productive?

Our on time windowSome fascinating new research reveals that part of what determines our propensity to be on time is an unconscious frame called an On Time Window (OTW.).

Here is the article I wrote for the Gleaner on this topic and how it applies to us here in the Caribbean.

Does our on time window make us less productive?

Why does a Jamaican employee struggle with being on time? Is “laziness” the right answer? Or is it due to something else we can actually transform?

In a Gleaner column on May 25, 2013, I made the point that people who live next door are often the last to arrive at work in the morning. I suggested why this is true: as it turns out, I was a bit wrong.

I stand corrected by an article in the Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. Apparently, all adult human beings operate with an invisible “On Time Window” (OTW). To explain, let’s imagine that you have an event at 1:00 PM. What’s the earliest and latest you can arrive without causing a fuss? The answer, consisting of two separate times, defines your OTW.

According to Dr. Lawrence White from Beloit College and his team, your OTW is influenced by three factors.

Factor 1 – Social vs. Business Events

Once when I lived in New Jersey, I invited some colleagues from the office to a BBQ, telling them that it started at 2:00 PM. When my doorbell rang at 1:55 PM I was shocked (and unbathed). Clearly, their OTW for a casual party was different than mine, and more like the OTW we shared at work.

White’s research shows, in general, that we have different OTW’s for work and leisure. For example, in American, Estonian and Moroccan cultures, it’s OK to arrive 40 minutes late for lunch with a friend, but only 12 minutes late for a business meeting. Problems occur when people aren’t aware of the difference.

Factor 2 – Cultural Differences

People often remark that Jamaicans who migrate to the US learn to be on-time in a hurry… or else. Based on the study, it’s clear that they are adopting the OTW of a different culture.

Furthermore, they are often learning to be more precise. A book by Robert Levine entitled “A Geography of Time” is sub-titled “How Every Culture Keeps Time Just a Little Bit Differently.” It shows that Americans keep track of time in 5-minute increments. However, Arabs tracks time in 15-minute increments. For example, Americans are more likely to say they are running 5 to 10 minutes late while an Arab might report they are a quarter to half-hour late.

Lawrence wonders out aloud: Is lateness measured by psychological units, rather than by the clock? In other words, is an American who is late by 10 minutes psychologically equivalent to an Arab who is late by half an hour? After all, each is late by exactly two units.

What does that say about Jamaicans? In my mind, a BBQ that is slated to start at 2:00 PM (even if it’s in the USA) indicates that no-one should even think of arriving before 2:30 PM. Does this mean that in our culture we think in 30-minute increments? Is a business meeting in Kingston that starts an hour late the equivalent of starting a New York meeting ten minutes late? Do we automatically give each other half-hour blighs? I don’t have exact answers, but my anecdotal experience tells me that this might be so.

Factor 3 – Status

Disturbingly, a different 1980 study asked professors and students how long they would wait for a student or professor who was late for an appointment. All 248 respondents were clear: they would wait longer for the higher-status professor.

White and his colleagues conducted more detailed experiments showing that a person of higher status was allowed, on average, to be 14 minutes late. Others were permitted to be late by only 10.7 minutes. This finding was true across all three cultures mentioned earlier.

Former President Bill Clinton was famous for running late, but this finding may show why it amounted to little more than an afterthought. His status as leader of the free world allowed him an out-sized measure of automatic forgiveness.

Why is this disturbing? I have worked with a number of CEO’s who fail to realize the impact their lateness has on others. They don’t see that their workers watch them for clues to their success. It’s therefore not hard for a single, habitually late leader to create a legion of followers who aspire to the kind of casual lateness that provokes no complaints.

A casual relationship to lateness has consequences, however. A company which announces an 8:30 AM opening time but takes no issue with employees sauntering in at 8:35, insults the customer. In fact, it’s common for those who arrive just a bit earlier than the advertised opening time to see the place locked up, showing “no sign of life” whatsoever.

In my prior article, I argued that arriving at work on time is a skill that must be taught. Now, these studies show that
an employee’s OTW is a powerful influence. Companies can help employees at every level see that their OTW’s must be re-shaped if the company is to thrive.

Francis Wade is the author of Perfect Time-Based Productivity and a management consultant. To receive a free Summary of each of his past articles, send email to

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The Problem with Values

convert corporate valuesI have worked with many companies whose value statements all look alike, and do little to guide people’s actions.

Here’s a column I wrote that describes one way to ensure that the effort to define values isn’t wasted.

Converting Abstract Corporate Values into Profitable Action

You are sitting in your CEO’s office and she wants to know why the list of company values isn’t working. After all, she complains, “We spent two days at last year’s retreat coming up with it. Everyone was involved, so buy-in was never an issue. Why then has nothing changed?”

As a manager or executive, you are caught off-guard. You see the values plastered on walls all around the office. Each person carries a little laminated card in his/her purse or wallet. Why are they not working?

What you may fail to realize is that engaging employees is only a small (but necessary) start. To go further, you need to shed a particular mental model that is limiting your company’s success.

It all starts with a mistaken assumption. In companies, people assume that when it comes to understanding corporate values, everyone is on the same page.

The facts say otherwise. When leaders speak about values they often use them as “valence issues”: non-controversial topics that cannot be argued with, such as “Integrity” and “Respect.” They are a favorite tool of politicians who rely on the technique to get all heads nodding: even those of their opponents.

However, a deeper dive reveals the truth. Executives have a habit of turning values into valence issues, causing them to fall flat.

The best way to convert abstract values into profitable action is to translate them into norms – a step most companies don’t take. For example, one employee may interpret the value “We Put People First” as a suggestion to say “Hello” to each person they pass every morning. Another might see the act of greeting people they don’t know (or like) as one of insincerity and disrespect.

In other words, both employees might believe that they are being true to the value, while acting in opposing ways.

The chances are high that in your company, the values that you promote so stridently are causing opposite effects. They end up creating discord, burning up energy and wasting motion that distracts from the bottom line. What can your executives do to make sure that your investment in the retreat isn’t frittered away?

1. Learn the Video-Tape Test
To solve the problem of poor coordination, focus on defining behaviours that can only be observed with the naked eye, and be recorded on video. That is, they need to be the kind of actions anyone can see. For example, the act of “prioritizing” fails the test. By contrast, “writing up a prioritized list of potential tasks” passes. When this distinction is clear, new behaviours become easy to learn and understand because they can be passed on by the average worker.

2. De-construct Values into Behaviours
With the video-tape test in mind, you can break down any corporate value into its component behaviours. Just set up an executive brainstorming session, explain the distinction, and ask for examples of behaviours. Keep going until you have a list that meets the criteria.

As you take this step, go for extra credit: craft new behaviours that represent an evolution of your company culture. Start with what people do today, and then improve it by several steps. Also, don’t be generic… instead, look for fresh language that shouts: “Here is something you don’t already know.” This helps you avoid valence issues.

3. Convert Each Behaviour into a Performance Matrix
It’s tempting (and a mistake) to believe that someone is either demonstrating a particular behaviour in full, or not at all. A better alternative is to think in terms of a continuum of performance ranging from “novice” to “expert”.

For example, if the chosen behaviour happens to be “Greet colleagues each morning,” a novice, who is new to the company, might struggle to remember to enact the practice. However, an “expert” who has been around for some time would already have converted the behaviour into an automatic habit that never fails.

With such a matrix of behaviours, it’s much easier to evaluate oneself, a boss, direct reports and one’s peers. Now, you have an objective baseline that serves as a starting point. Build on it by creating a personal improvement plan that helps guide you through simple new practices, a few at a time. Ensure that you aren’t trying to change too many things at the same time, and build a support system just in case your willpower flags.

Before long, the entire organization will be moving in the direction of the retreat’s values because there will be an alignment of key behaviours. Your company will be far more likely to see an all-important impact on the bottom-line.

Francis Wade is the author of Perfect Time-Based Productivity and a management consultant. To receive a free Summary of each of his past articles, send email to

Employees Who Don’t Accept Responsibility

Busy Business ManIt’s awful to be compelled to work with someone who won’t accept responsibility. Here’s what can be done about it.

Your Worst Nightmare; An Employee Who Won’t Accept Responsibility

What should you do with a colleague, employee or boss who fails to accept responsibility?

It’s an awful realization: suddenly, someone you work with shows you his true colours when placed under pressure. In a desperate attempt to avoid blame and guilt, he avoids taking responsibility. He claims he “didn’t do it” and fends off attempts to hold him to account in any way. Once he starts running away the conversation turns into a chase. You try to make a difference, while he does his best to distance himself from feeling like a victim.

In moments such as this, there are no winners. If the other person is in a position of power, the loss can be great.

Witness the recent tragedy at NSWMA. As Kingston was covered in palls of dangerous smoke, it was impossible to find anyone willing to stand up and be accountable for what was happening. Many working adults who watched events unfold felt uneasy as it brought to mind some of their most difficult, irresponsible colleagues. It reminded me of a gardener who once gave my wife the following report after splitting the blade of our lawn-mower on a rock: “It bruk.” He didn’t say “I broke it.” Instead, his stance indicated that the mysterious outcome happened all on its own.

Apparently, in the minds of a few people, the fire at Riverton did the same.

When employees at all levels of an organization adopt this mindset they set themselves up as observers rather than actors, victims rather than agents. Their frame of mind places the entire organization at risk of losing profits, customers or in our case, fresh air to breathe. More importantly, they unwittingly render themselves useless in preventing the event from happening again. To them, it’s just a matter of having some better excuses the next time around.

It’s a corrosive, contagious frame of mind that must be addressed because it can leave a whole organization hapless.

What can the ordinary employee do to transform this mindset?

Step 1 – Separate Responsibility From Blame
In a workshop a few years ago, I introduced the term “response-ability.” Inspired by the work of Werner Erhard, I defined the term as free of the usual negative connotations: blame, fault, guilt or shame. Instead, it’s about putting oneself in a mental place to make a difference, especially when failure is possible, or even after it has occurred. Those who are confused with regards to response-ability end up only running away – throwing out the baby with the bathwater. In other words, they don’t want to feel bad so they surrender their power to act.

Step 2 – Show Others the Cost
When people are lost in blame-avoidance, trying to avoid negative feelings, they are momentarily blinded. Otherwise good people are unable to see the cost of abandoning their ability to act. You can help them see the bigger picture by sharing the impact of their blindness on you and others, dollarising it if possible.

Step 3 – Invite them to Take Action, Even if They Feel Bad
People who are accountable appreciate that life is always a blend of successes and failures, but they don’t only accept the former and ignore the latter. They are willing to “take the heat” when things fall apart. “Taking the heat” means saying “Yes, I helped to cause the unwanted result.” This mindset is a must if they wish to empower themselves to fix problems once and for all.

If you can follow these three steps, even when others feel badly, you are helping to move the problem toward resolution.

This can be hard work, but it’s easier to take the above actions if the person is willing. With skillful coaching you can prevent further disasters by diverting their attention to the difference they can make and the high cost of the failure. If you can help them be consistently accountable at some point, it is even better, as they ignore their bruised feelings.

But that’s not all. Here’s an important twist.

The best place to start helping a colleague who is slipping into victim-like, don’t-blame-me mode is to be a real-time role-model for everything I have said so far. In other words, assume personal responsibility for their powerless behaviour. Look to see where you can own the part you played in their failure to be response-able. As you look, learn. Then, act to make a difference.

Jamaica would be a different place if more of us could take this stand on a regular basis. Some do it every day but it remains a characteristic that’s tricky to see clearly. However, once you develop an eye for it, you need never be stymied by a colleague who fails to be responsible.

Francis Wade is a management consultant and author of Perfect Time-Based Productivity. To receive a Summary of Links to past columns, or give feedback, email:

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Making Jamaica Grow

On a recent trip to South Florida, I noticed how easy it is to do business. What does that mean for our governments in the Caribbean? Should it try to do the same for its citizens? Why? I explore these questions in my recent Gleaner article.

Here’s one way to really empower Jamaica’s economic engines

MP910220850Does Jamaica’s economic development rely on radically reducing the barriers to doing everyday business? On a recent trip to Florida, I had occasion to ponder this possibility.

The bank. WalMart. Lunch. And, if I needed to, Michael’s (a craft store.) I mulled over my shopping list as I drove toward Sawgrass Mills. “Remember, you only have an hour” I reminded myself, and at once it felt like a disaster waiting to happen. I needed to make these stops before going home the following day, returning my host’s vehicle at the top of the hour in time for appointment.

As I turned out of her complex onto a three lane, empty street, I thought “Where is everybody? Not even someone walking.” I parked in Walmart’s huge lot and scuttled in. Ten minutes later I was finished, items in hand. Helped along by three employees finding stuff was easy, apart from some pesky buttons which they didn’t have. Two of these employees happened to be Jamaican, getting me used to the idea that there are a LOT more of us in South Florida than I remember.

I sped over to the bank, steeling myself for the worst. I had to make a cash deposit and decided: “Let me try the drive-through ATM. I know you’re not supposed to use cash at these things, but I don’t have time to join a line.”

Ten minutes later, after several failed attempts at scanning two of the bills, I walked into the banking hall and glanced around for the line. “Here is where I always run into big trouble” I muttered as I counted ten people waiting.

Just before I could join the line, a woman with yet another Jamaican accent stopped me to ask, “Can I help you?” I explained what had happened and she asked “May I exchange the bills for you?”

Two minutes later she returned with crisp, new bills which I quickly deposited at the walk-up ATM’s inside the building.

As my stress diminished, I drove to Michael’s in search of the elusive buttons. A few minutes later, again without luck I returned to my car for the final stop at Arby’s, a fast-food outlet. Ten minutes later (even after changing my order in mid-stream) I was done, and pulled into my host’s driveway with minutes to spare.

It was a typical hour in South Florida. “But what a way it different from Kingston” I admitted to myself. I imagined some of the typical obstacles, ranging from traffic to poor customer service to broken bank machinery. Typically, these unexpected problems add minutes, hours and even days. Many business-owners, like myself, desperately try to avoid going out on the road on errands. We delegate the task to bearers, colleagues and family members as Jamaica’s inefficiency represents a huge time cost.

It’s too bad that our government leaders on both sides of the aisle don’t take a cue from our neighbours. When I hear them talk about “empowering the private sector” I get the distinct impression that they are describing a mysterious black box they don’t understand. It sounds like magic: do a bit of financial tinkering with this and that, and the engine of Jamaica’s growth will suddenly roar to life, like a rabbit being pulled out of a hat.

Their lack of understanding is a bit frightening. It’s clear to everyone (and the IMF) that government spending will play little or no role in reviving our economy. In fact, it’s arguable that fifty years of one percent GDP growth has occurred because government has crowded out private investments.

We could start by focusing government on removing the massive (and ever-increasing) friction that exists to doing business in Jamaica. If it does so, it would allow companies to do what they do best: legally pursue their interest in making profits, hiring more/better people and growing as a result.

By throwing up more barriers, amplifying the acts of wrongdoers and paying scant attention to the needs of legitimate business, government abandons its mandate to remove friction. It makes people like me wonder. “If I moved my business back to South Florida (from whence it came) and hired some of the Jamaicans living there, could the company be more effective? And more profitable? Would I get more done?”

Patriotism aside, each business-person must ask these questions periodically; and answer them honestly. In response, government needs to set aside persistent calls for the national interest, and focus on its job of removing friction. That is, it needs to commit itself to creating an environment in which it’s as easy to make a profit in Kingston as it is anyplace else.

When government does this job well, every Jamaican citizen wins, but it’s our shared duty to make it happen.

Francis Wade is a management consultant and author of Perfect Time-Based Productivity. To receive a Summary of Links to past columns, or give feedback, email:



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