The 6 Modern Symptoms of Time Management

Are You Suffering from the 6 Modern Symptoms of Ineffective Time Management?

In the past, the signs of ‘poor time management’ were obvious, but in today’s age of the “always on” mobile Internet, you could be suffering from the modern symptoms afflicting Jamaican employees.

Many years ago, time management problems were easy to detect: arriving late and missing deadlines were clear red flags. In today’s world, however, things are different – the old symptoms remain, but a number of new ones have appeared, including the following six you may be experiencing today:

1. An Exploded Inbox
Perhaps the best indicator of a productivity problem is the state of your email Inbox. If you have 200 or more read and unread messages, you may believe that you simply get too much email. For you, the fault lies with your company and/or the people in your life; they are the reason you feel guilty and overwhelmed. The numbers don’t lie, however. If your Inbox is in trouble, it’s because your daily practices have made it so.

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Improving Employee Feedback with 3 Tests

There are a number of reasons why employee feedback fails.

One has to do with the quality of the message and this article focuses on how to make high quality suggestions that pass 3 practical tests. Taking them into account gives the manager/coach more work at first, but with practice they help develop precise skills that last an entire career.

Today’s article is designed to help you, a manager, give better feedback.

Three Tests for Effective Coaching.

Why Learning How to Fire Is Important

Here in the Caribbean we have things confused – we treat firing people as if it’s the next thing to being wicked and evil.

It’s a mistake. Companies need to think about the minimum number of people they need, and how close they can stick to that ideal number.

Here’s my article on this touchy topic, under a headline that’s a bit misleading.

Don’t Be a Wimp! Learn to Fire People.

The Cost When Employees Work Around Flawed Processes

The’re a cost to be incurred when employees, who are trying to get work done, end up having to work around your company’s formal processes.

It could be a dysfunctional department, or a broken process. Sometimes an ineffective person stands in the way. Getting routine work completed becomes a matter of creativity and ingenuity, but also extra time and wasted effort.

A much better approach is to fix the processes involved but few companies know how to make systematic improvements.

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