NewHabits Foundations Returns to Jamaica

My flagship time-based productivity programme returns to Kingston on February the 27th, 2014 – Thursday.

To view a short video describing this programme, follow this link to the NewHabits information page. This is a unique opportunity to close the gap between where you are and where you could be as a Caribbean professional using ideas that were fashioned right here in the region.

Why I chose a storybook format for my first book

Why did I choose to write my first book in the form of a story?

It had nothing to do with wanting to learn a new and very challenging skills! Instead, I had enjoyed the first business fable I ever read – The Goal by Eli Goldratt – that it made me want to replicate the learning journey I on when I read it for others.

The question of “Why time management needs to be revisited?” is such a big one – I wanted to get the lesson across without having to resort to “trust me” arguments and lots of lists of prescriptive behaviors.

My New Time Management Book

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The first chapter was drafted back in March 2009 and it earned exactly two supportive comments on my blog. I can’t bear to look at it now, but it was my first effort to place Time Management 2.0 ideas within the context of a story. A novel. A fable about business that would tell a story, but at the same time impart some powerful lessons about being productive in today’s work environment.

The book is now complete and it has its own page – Bill’s Im-Perfect Time Management Adventure and it’s available on in both paperback and Kindle formats.

Time Management Advising at the ASTD Conference

Some awesome news arrived at Framework Consulting – the home of 2Time Labs.

astd logoMy proposal to present a speech at the American Society of Training and Development’s 2013 Annual Conference and Exposition was accepted! Am headed to Dallas in May to make a one hour presentation to the world’s largest training and development conference.

The topic will be How to Stop Failing At Behavior Change Training: The Case of Time Management. Click on this link to be taken to a description of the one hour session.

It hasn’t been a short journey to this point.

For the last six years, I have turned a longtime passion for this subject into a full-blown area of expertise after being disappointed at the lack of options that people like me had when we underwent major life changes. In my case, it was a move to Jamaica from Florida that threw me back to levels of un-productivity that I thought I had long left behind.

I helped myself, and now I’m helping others answer some of the same question I had by focusing on the following topics: