Jamaican Businesses and Trinidadian Elections

I wrote a couple of articles explaining why Jamaican business-people, and indeed the public at large, needs to pay close attention to what happens in Trinidadian politics.

One article was chosen as the letter of the day in the Jamaican Daily Gleaner and can be found by clicking here: http://jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20100414/letters/letters1.html

The other was published in YourMoneyeZine and can be read by clicking at any point below:

2 Replies to “Jamaican Businesses and Trinidadian Elections”

  1. Read the article in Gleaner and I think you may give Trinis more credit than they are due. I refer to your parting advice to Jamaicans to pay more attention to the regions “so that we can start to learn how to do business with countries that know much more about us, than we know of them.” Good advice to pay attention to our brothers and sisters in the region, yet I’m not so sure that the average Trini knows very much about Jamaica or Jamaicans, or why s/he should care.

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