Getting everyone aboard the strategy-development train

Your company is one which builds its strategic plan around an individual’s ideas. But even if the “Big Man” is a brilliant entrepreneur-founder, is it a good idea to include a host of other stakeholders in the process? If the current method isn’t obviously broken, why fix it?

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Five-Year Plans Aren’t Strategic. They’re Dangerous

Almost all corporate plans cover the next five years. However, many companies go not a single month further. In other words, they survive on one five-year plan after another. If you have ever questioned the wisdom of this practice, keep listening.

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Why 5-Year Plans Aren’t Strategic. They’re Dangerous

Almost all corporate plans cover the next five years. However, many companies go not a single month further. In other words, they survive on one five-year plan after another. If you have ever questioned the wisdom of this practice, keep reading.

Your strategic planning team meets and decides to limit its time horizon to only five years. Why? “It’s too hard to know what will happen in the future.” It’s true. The past two years have brought COVID, the recession, a war and other rude surprises. Companies’ best intentions lay in tatters.

Given the amount of change we have experienced, some say it’s folly to think past the short-term. In their mind, leaders will be so wrong about the future that it makes no sense to think too far out. The idea seems perilous.

If your managers are thinking along these lines, they aren’t alone. Around the world, the focus of attention has been on survival tactics. They keep the top line viable, limit costs, micro-manage workers performing their duties and secure supply chains.

Why then, should your company consider the creation of a new long-term plan? Here are three reasons we have gleaned in two decades of experience with clients who craft 15-30 year plans.

= Your 5-Year Plan is Just a Dull Revision

If your executive team is like many, it may be “mailing in” the strategic plan. In a half-hearted effort and minor revisions, the old plan merely becomes the new one.

Your Pre-COVID thinking is fully preserved.

This contrasts with the best companies, which are undertaking a fundamental re-think. They realize that more changes have taken place in two pandemic years than in the prior 20, shifting the underlying unmet needs of customers.

Furthermore, competitors are using the opportunity to craft “Blue Ocean” spaces which have never existed before. Consider the way Digicel entered the mobile phone market in 2001. Inside the walls of the incumbent, C&W leadership fought the notion of a pent-up demand for cell phones. The long lines on the first day of free competition propelled the new entrant to regional prominence.

If your company is too busy or lacks the energy to do a rethink, prepare for its own rude surprise.

= Your 5-Year Plan is For You, Not Them

While the Great Resignation is slow to reach the Caribbean, this hasn’t stopped the Big Disengagement. Your most talented and accomplished employees are withholding discretionary effort, searching for outside opportunities, and starting side-hustles in the meantime. Their faces are on the screen, but their dreams lie elsewhere.

However, when you announce a fresh strategy, their ears perk up. They want to see whether or not there is something worth staying around for.

Unfortunately, if all they hear is a “new” five-year plan, they will accelerate their plans to leave. It’s written proof: the company’s leaders are just as clueless as they suspected. And self-serving.

The fact is, a long-term strategic plan signals that the future is being secured by savvy creativity, rather than lost by selfish short-sight. It could craft a legacy to be celebrated.

= Your 5-Year Plan Ignores Technology Trends

The whole point of planning for a long horizon is to place intelligent bets now that shape the future. Understanding technology trends helps you do so effectively.

In your industry, these transformations have probably accelerated due to COVID. Companies who have accepted this fact and planned accordingly, are thriving. By contrast, the laggards are stuck teaching their employees how to use Excel and PowerPoint in face-to-face classrooms. They already failed. Perhaps they believed that the digital future would take care of itself.

Today, you know the truth. Organizations which fail to invest in younger, digitally savvy talent will reap the sour fruit of stale thinking. Their strategies won’t disrupt their industries.

This isn’t to say that it’s easy to create a 30-year strategic plan. However, some believe it can be captured in a nebulous vision statement.

Unfortunately, in today’s fast-moving world, these pronouncements arouse the suspicion of staff. Fancy words aren’t enough. Without a roadmap, they simply won’t trust grandiose statements which have no foundation.

To carve a credible route, adopt tools like back casting and the Merlin Process to connect the future to today. Yes…people want Big Hairy Audacious Goals (BHAG’s), but they must be grounded in feasible logic.

The timing may be right for you to create more than a mere five-year plan. It could exploit opportunities which, perhaps for a limited time, beckon your organization to achieve great things. It’s the best way to stay out of danger.

Francis Wade is the author of Perfect Time-Based Productivity, a keynote speaker and a management consultant. To search his prior columns on productivity, strategy, engagement and business processes, send email to

Leaders Failing to Adjust to Remote Work

As a manager, you may be in trouble. In the past two years, new ways of remote working have come out of nowhere and the debate is on: should you resume face-to-face working? Part of you wants work to be efficient, but another part hopes that everyone will come back to the office. Is this an unreasonable ask?

In your career, you probably have experienced a few micro-managers. With a patina of distrust, they hover over their people to ensure that they do what they are supposed to.

The sad fact is that this technique works, especially with manual workers. But it’s not faring well with knowledge workers. It’s hard to micro-manage in the COVID era. Why?

Stalking employees via WhatsApp or email messages just looks crazy. Installing software to inspect every keystroke feels like Big Brother. Calling staff randomly for casual “check-ins” can’t hide an unfortunate fact: they have lost their initiative.

The truth is, whatever intrinsic motivation they ever had has disappeared. Instead of being an excited newcomer to the organization, they have turned into drones. Now, they go through the motions, pretending to be engaged.

Consequently, you see yourself as the victim in all this…the unlucky recipient of poor employees. “If only I could get some good people,” you think, “I wouldn’t need to treat them this way.” You dream of a time when you could sit back as intrinsically motivated workers willingly produce their best work. How can you reach this end-point from where you are today?

  1. Fire Yourself

Here’s a shocking conclusion: your incompetence is showing.

What are you missing? The truth is: you don’t know how to manage people in a way that preserves their initial enthusiasm. Under your watch, staff with potential and energy become mediocre.

If this fits, consider getting rid of yourself: the part of you that COVID has revealed to be a weak manager. It may suggest that you quit the job, but here’s an alternative.

Instead, undertake a transformation in the way you manage. Start with a ruthless self-inventory of your performance. Ask for input from a coach, your immediate supervisor, and those who report to you. Pick an area to work on and start to make improvements.

  1. Upgrade Your Workers

In many cases, your company has hired employees who are not sufficiently self-directed. This has not helped. But if you have already undertaken a personal transformation that inspires others, you may also be making some more cynical. You must act on workers’ mindsets.

Partner with HR to build a process for identifying the most entrepreneurial recruits. Hint: they won’t be the ones who follow orders without question. Instead, look for people who could one day start their own business.

Why? An effective remote worker has more in common with a self-employed freelancer than a typical office worker. They manage their time, take responsibility for deliverables, and put work above insider-politics.

However, there will be some employees who can’t change fast enough.

  1. Transform the Culture

The majority of workers may not be bad: just used to an old way of doing business. It might be best to effect a cultural transformation.

In the change projects I have experienced, the end-result looks like an injection of personal responsibility. In other words, staff are willing to step up and say that things aren’t working, and publicly claim the part they are playing to fix them.

After all, the most responsible employees work well from anywhere. They empower themselves in the way they talk about their relationships. How? There’s almost no trace of the victim/poor-me stance taken by those who require constant supervision.

Once your organization starts to experience this shift, support the positive moves people make towards the ideal. Over-share so that folks come to see examples of self-motivation.

Also, paint a picture of how managers function in this new, remote dispensation. When behavior falls or degrades at any level, everyone should be able to identify it clearly.

But above all, resist a lazy slip into the way things used to work. For most companies, COVID has opened the door to a new kind of self-empowerment. Some staff have blossomed as a result.

Don’t drag them back to the office just because your least effective managers and workers are not delivering. Instead, forge a culture built around the most responsible staff. In other words, focus on creating more of what you want.

You are likely to feel uncomfortable waiting for the right answers to emerge. But don’t stop the search. You aren’t taking the path of least resistance; you’re fighting to bring forth a new normal.

Managers not adjusting well to remote work

As a manager, you may be in trouble. In the past two years, new ways of remote working have come out of nowhere and the debate is on: should you resume face-to-face working? Part of you wants work to be efficient, but another part hopes that everyone will come back to the office. Is this an unreasonable ask?

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Interview with Balanced Scorecard Creator Dr. Robert Kaplan

What advice would a strategy expert like Dr. Robert Kaplan give to Caribbean companies? He’s been to the region several times, but his exact words haven’t been captured.

Until this interview at the HRMATT Conference of 2015.

As a fellow speaker, I had the opportunity to sit down with the creator of the strategy map and balanced scorecard during one of the breaks. It wasn’t our first conversation, but it was the first that went into serious depth.

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Thinking Strategically in the Future and the Present

As a manager, you may find it hard to engage in fruitful discussions about the future. You are able to speculate informally over lunch, but be unable to plan strategically in a formal session. You sense that this needs to change, but how? Where will this new skill-set come from?


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Having A Foot in Both the Future and the Present

As a manager, you may find it hard to engage in fruitful discussions about the future. You are able to speculate informally over lunch, but be unable to plan strategically in a formal session. You sense that this needs to change, but how? Where will this new skill-set come from?

Few things are more distressing in organizational life than a manager who was good at his old job, but still tries to perform it after being promoted. While he was elevated based on his technical ability, these are of little use now that employees report to him. They expect something new: leadership.

The same applies to the executive suite, and in particular the role of a CEO. More specifically, newly minted executives often don’t think strategically. The truth is, they gained their reputations based on reaching short-term results and fighting fires.

While every company needs middle-level managers who can demonstrate these skills, as leaders they are entrusted with something different: the company’s future.

If they are lucky, mentors take them under their wings, and deliberately stretch their capabilities with well-designed assignments and training. But this is rare. In general, a new executive’s lack of strategic planning skills isn’t revealed until the situation desperately needs them. By then, it’s too late. Instead, here are three competencies you can proactively develop.

  1. Thinking *about* the Future

I have met many CEOs and MDs who don’t talk about specific future outcomes at all. In their minds, all they need to do is react to stuff that might happen.

However, the best leaders don’t sit back: they create the future. For example, Facebook has a 15-year plan for the Metaverse which is intended to shape the way the internet is used globally.

By so doing, they confront the natural inertia of the vast majority who prefer to stay in their comfort zones.

As an executive, your job is to coach top managers to think about the future as a malleable object. They can become visionary. But you may need to do some convincing. In other words, you must educate, challenge and confront. And demote the unwilling or unable.

The fact is that as a member of the leadership team, you should develop the best long-term planning skills, and encourage others to follow your path.

  1. Thinking *from* the Future

While a good facilitator can drag any executive team through the creation of a specific vision, it’s not enough. Once it exists, the participants must take charge of the vision. Inhabiting it means thinking from the future, while they implement it in the present.

Some reduce this to a matter of project management, but it actually requires far more. Great leaders carry out special practices to help people think from the future. Examples include regular strategy updates using current information.

They also have a knack for bringing up the vision in everyday conversation. Each time, they create the specific future as the context behind every decision. By recalling its importance to stakeholders, they bring the future closer one step at a time.

Finally, they help staff see that Big Hairy Audacious Goals (BHAGs) must be translated into projects, then tasks. This connection is easily lost. Why? Daily emergencies hijack people’s attention, along with the distractions of social media/Netflix. To keep people on track, you should repeatedly bring the vision alive.

  1. Speaking from the Future

Unfortunately, very few executives know how to inspire others on demand. Call it a recurring failure of organizational life: the few who are inspiring often leave to start their own companies. Those who remain learn to survive the corporate grind by keeping out of trouble, rather than leading.

If this fits your story, you may be annoyed. Now that you have been promoted, you are asked to inspire staff. But where would you have learned to do so?

If the workplace doesn’t offer them, seek out other opportunities. Volunteer in your service organization, church or alumni association. Allow the discomfort of vision-filled speaking to become the norm. Experience the thrill of filling others with the hope of accomplishing remarkable things by working together.

In these challenging times with a pandemic, recession, and war ever-present, the natural human tendency is to withdraw and see performance fall. Great leaders realize this and put themselves at risk. This is your avenue to accomplish the extraordinary.

Start by telling the truth. If, as a CEO or MD, you have never been trained in this dimension, some honesty will help. Embrace this fact, and propel yourself forward with experiments which take you outside your comfort zone. Use the results to learn what works and become someone who can connect the future with the present. Your people are waiting.

Francis Wade is the author of Perfect Time-Based Productivity, a keynote speaker and a management consultant. To search his prior columns on productivity, strategy, engagement and business processes, send email to

Quit Complaining About Prior Strategies

Do your managers complain about key strategies their predecessors failed to craft? It seems as if they have all the answers, but you suspect that they may be kidding themselves. The truth is, they may not be very different. If so, how should you intervene so they don’t handicap future generations with more poor decisions?


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Quit Complaining About Prior Strategies

Do your managers complain about key strategies their predecessors failed to craft? It seems as if they have all the answers, but you suspect that they may be kidding themselves. The truth is, they may not be very different. If so, how should you intervene so they don’t handicap future generations with more poor decisions?

Hindsight is 20-20 vision. After the fact, it’s easy to be an expert. On Monday morning, after the contest is over, you can say exactly what the coach and players needed to do.

The same applies to your company. If it’s been around for more than a few years, then your firm is benefitting (or suffering) from strategic plans created and applied by prior executives. They made some decisions (and failed to make others), forcing your organization into its current position. Like the Monday morning experts, it’s tempting to sit back and criticise them. With disbelief, you wonder out aloud: “What were they (not) thinking?”

However, as a leader, you could be committing the same mistake. In other words, you and your colleagues may be so engrossed with today’s issues that you are “kicking the can down the road” i.e. setting up traps for the next generation of managers. Essentially, you are abandoning them to a future they can’t influence today.

It’s a perpetual cycle which will only continue until your company is blindsided by a new competitor, technology, pandemic or other disruption. These occurrences are ones you wanted prior leaders to foresee, and prepare your company to handle. How do you break the cycle? What if you want to quit setting up new obstacles for your successors? Try these thought experiments, preferably conducted during a leadership retreat.

1) Imagine Your Organization Doesn’t Exist

In this thought experiment, ask yourself: “What if our organization didn’t exist?”

Look to the future and predict what would happen in your industry in regards to the products and services you deliver. What would customers and stakeholders come to expect as the norm? From whom? What new technologies or market realities would have an outsized influence?

Understand that your answers rely on present developments, maturing trends, and items becoming obsolete. In this experiment, you have no control – you can only observe.

The only real question to ask today is: What is your current relationship to these external forces? How are you preparing your company to deal with them? Unfortunately, many executives do little more than complain: “Someone should do something before it’s too late.” But they fail to act, only becoming victims. Don’t make this mistake.

2) Fast-Forward Far-Away Developments

Even if you can clearly discern market or technology trends, some managers won’t. They’ll pretend these threats can be ignored. Their inertia makes the company passive.

In a strategic planning exercise several years ago, we asked a leadership team: “When will a majority of Jamaicans prefer to use online banking?” After a long discussion, the group came to agreement: “2030.”

In today’s world, in light of COVID, we can see they were far off the mark. However, by back casting from 2030, they created a feasible course of action. As such, when the pandemic broke out, they could revisit their plan, have a laugh at their assumptions, and fast-forward their transformation. Instead of going into a panic, they made a tweak.

As you can imagine, future managers look back at this kind of exercise with gratitude. Even though it was inaccurate, it wasn’t incorrect. The same might apply to your industry and company with respect to inevitable changes that may arrive far more quickly than imagined.

3) Think in Terms of a Market Winner

Finally, imagine if all the competitors in the world were to disappear, leaving a single provider. Ask the retreat: “What did this team do to be the last one standing, serving customers, while others failed?”

Chances are, this is probably the company that invested early in some critical capability that others didn’t recognize.

Bring that thinking to your situation today. How do you ensure that you become more like Netflix/Apple/Fuji rather than their failed counterparts: Blockbuster/Nokia/Kodak? Can you stop postponing long-term decisions which guarantee your failure?

Arguably, there are few companies which arrived at their dominant position by accident. For example, Grace Kennedy’s competitors in the mid-1990s are no longer major players in their industries. Why? GK’s 25-year plan helped it surge ahead, via far-sighted moves some thought were foolish.

Don’t fall into that trap and inadvertently make your company obsolete. Instead, let future generations be proud of your decisions and willingness to set ego aside for the greater good. They may even thank you for your courage.

Francis Wade is the author of Perfect Time-Based Productivity, a keynote speaker and a management consultant. To search his prior columns on productivity, strategy, engagement and business processes, send email to